I Can Copy Talents
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I Can Copy Talents

剑神无敌(原著)+维CC(主笔)+好饭(编剧) / Your Talent is Mine

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Action , Fantasy

Chapters: 118

Last update: 11 days ago

17 votes
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The young man Ye Tian obtains the ability to copy the talents of others, and now fights against the heavens to change his fate. He struggles to survive and protect his sister from the apocalypse of the alien beast invasion. In order to become stronger, he begins to explore the unknown world, and gradually reveals the secret behind the invasion of the alien dimensions

AJ22 7 months ago Sucks big time
Pretty boring and stupid manhua. The side characters are annoying. MC is annoying. So what you can copy talent but you're still  s h i t  and keep getting your  a s s  beaten. And author is pretty dang lazy nowadays. A  f u c k i n g   short chapter for over a month and a half? I'm dropping this  s h i t  for good!!
Kami 9 months ago Sucks big time
If you love slow and short chapter releases this is for you!
(4) (1)
directive me 11 months ago Pretty good
pretty dang good and judging that cliff hanger from ch 75 its bout to get even better
Sarcasm a year ago Meh
It has potential to be a great read but the chapters are just really short and it rarely uploads a new chapter
(2) (1)
Ivern 2 years ago Meh
A missed chance. It's a pity, really, since it had the potential to be something enjoyable. 

I'll start with what it does well. The art is selectively good. In the sense that the characters and monster designs are paid attention to, there is distinctive style and cohesive themes in how they appear. The idea behind it, the talent copy, is a good recipe for OP sheaningans and power fantasies. With the 30 days time limit it could've been cleverly balanced for the narrative, and it in part is. The talent system is honestly almost good. Some of it is cultivation nonsense, but other talents have a definite usage and limits. MC's growth is the best thing in this, since it's satisfying.

Now let's start with the bad. Boy we have a long list. Anything else in the art department is drab and uninspired, relaying heavily on a shi*** 3D models. The writing is standard Chinese fluff, obsesses with item and ability grading to a comical extent. Characterization is non-existent, so plain you can play chess on it. The fighting itself is not very imaginative, you get the usual "I outrank you so I win GG", with generic hits and slashes. Lastly, the production side is a bonafide mess. The chapters are short as your peepee (don't ask how i know), the panels are chaotic, I can't even count the delay notices. Honestly, the team is in disarray and understaffed, and it shows. 

A 7- on the Ivern Scale™️. I'll recommend it with a heavy heart, so don't get too disappointed in it. Take it for what it is.
(5) (4)