I Tried To Persuade My Brother And He Entrusted The Male Lead To Me

오빠를 꼬시려 했는데 남주가 넘어왔다

Authors : 유주

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Comedy , Drama , Fantasy , Romance

Chapters: 145

Last update: a year ago


Princess Clara fell in love with the abducted male protagonist. The Young king of Verona, her older brother was the one who kidnapped him from the Neraha Empire. The princess was a side-supporting character in the book Adriana, who helped the protagonist, Prince Daniel escape. I would not live like that. 'SoI decided to talk to my older brother who appeared to be scary, with dark circles under his eyes. I tried "You dare to touch my younger sister without fear, take your pick, imprisonment, exile, or execution. If you can't choose, I'll choose for you." ??? That's your fianc!' Why are you suddenly like this!' "I don't want to go back, Princess Clara is here." Why is the protagonist also like this? You're supposed to return to your empire and become Emperor!