The story begins with Igarashi, who was disqualified as a pro golfer after a certain "incident" and thus moves to Kagoshima Prefecture's Tokara Islands to step out of the limelight. On these islands known as "Japan's last unexplored wilderness," he e
Its starts from where the last season ends, Aito and Ashisu meets her new assistant. An entry of a new member. what story can she make out of aito and Ashisu's life?
Hinako is in her second year of junior high. In her third trimester, she has to move to a big city because of her father's work, and she has misgivings about fitting in... But that's not the worst of it! -- The school she transfers into used to be an
The deadly virus that began with that' and came from within a mysterious ship has since turned Seoul into a city of death.With the emergence of this unexpected virus, the entire order of the planet was reset.Project [Zombie Apocalypse 82-08]'s battle
This manga is about robbers, thieves and bad people and how they can't do anything because the good people are even worse than them. Who would've thought?
Kaito Odagiri is a normal fifth grade boy who can hold his own in a fight and loves to show off. This attracts the attention of Makoto Kaibara, a boy at Kaito's school who reveals to him that he can use magic, but he needs Kaito's help to protect the
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