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PuddingX0Kinda bad on No Return After Use
Unless your an extreme pervert and sad*** this is such an a** manhwa. DO NOT read chapter 18 if you get nausea easily like me
Pretty good on I Want To Become The Emperor, So I Need A Divorce
A beautiful story, and it is complete. I love how there was very little miscommunication, it didn't take a million chapters to have that lovely confession, and the art is quite nice. It's not perfect (the pacing feels a bit off in places, certain plot points and foreshadowing never turned into anything, etc) but is was a fun read anyway
Sucks big time on Dear, Teddy Bear
I stopped at chapter 4 when I found out they are bothers. This is the only thing I need to hear to stop
Rocks on The regressor only protects me
I don't know why this manhwa is soo low rated.... Even in other reviews of this manhwa, i totally agreed with them that some people didn't even read the more chapter rated 1 or 2 stared..... But this is one of the most unique manhwa who break the most stereotypes of regression manhwa..... In short i totally recommend it....