All Manga, Character Designs and Logos are © to their respective copyright holders.
begoRocks on Mato Seihei No Slave
Nice and fun read really great fan service 5/5 for me
Pretty good on Juujika No Rokunin
Good in the beginning but ima give it 4/5 stars cuz its just currently bad
Rocks on Love Jinx
yall i love this so much, every UD gives me thrills. my red flag but soft to mc♥️♥️♥️
Rocks on Existence
Other living beings kill others to live...
But human kill others for its greed...
But human kill others for its greed...
Pretty good on Boy's Abyss
Its good at first, story is kinda confusing and it just got some weird as s plot twists
Rocks on The Eminence In Shadow
Goated manga, LN is goated as well and the Anime is even more goated
Pretty good on I’m Gonna Live with You Not Because My Parents Left Me Their Debt But Because I Like You
Its good
Meh on Spinach Bouquet
This used to be one of the best and cutest manhwa's but nvm it took a bad turn to the point I literally dropped it