All Manga, Character Designs and Logos are © to their respective copyright holders.
Love reading for lif...Kinda bad on No Return After Use
3/10 uke draw cute and i Feel bad for him like how he literally get ra** abuse but instead of reporting to police he realise he is gay ? And even asked seme to Go out with him Where is your self respect bro are you stupid?🤦.And seme he gets angry when his sister told him she is molest by uke so as for revenge he ra** and abuse uke horribly but after finding out uke didn't do anything he didn't even feel ashamed and didn't even tried to say sorry like bi*** you ra** him for false reason and you didn't even take consequences WTH WHY THEY ALWAYS TAKE MALE VICTIM SO LIGHTLY IN MANHWA I am done with this manhwa the only good thing is about this story is that art is great and there are some consensual s** between them but that's the only good thing I can say about this .
Kinda bad on Die If You Aren't A Virgin
I guess this was supposed to be funny, but I didn't find the aggressivity and violent tendencies fun.